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Deals of the Hour / October 24, 2010, 7:47 pm

Saving lives by taxing alcohol

Wagenaar said he could offer no specific guess, but said, "I'm comfortable with saying that going from no sales tax at all to 6.25 percent is likely to have a beneficial effect.'' That makes a repeal of the sales tax tragically shortsighted. (Source: Boston Globe 2010-10-25T02:33:25Z)

Bill Clinton kicks off a day of campaigning for Democrats in Michigan, will go to Minnesota

Bush administration, Clinton said. Clinton was heading to Minnesota on Sunday night. There, he's supporting Democratic congressional candidate Tarryl Clark, who's challenging Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann in the nation's most expensive U.S. House race. (Source: Chicago Tribune 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Underground and now above, Chile miners struggle

... have resisted breaking a pact they made to keep the most gripping details of their two months in captivity to themselves in the hopes that together they can secure book or movie deals, as well ... do much more than keep them alive. The story picks up ... (Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Free Help For Jobless Living With Disabilities

including his boss knew he was working with a disability. "I didn't know he had a handicap until he told us one day. He was here six months. I called him a liar. I was shocked. He walks normal. He always does a good job. He's always on time and he ... (Source: 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Byrd hits the jackpot in Las Vegas to win Justin Timberlake tourney

he chipped up to 7 feet and made the par putt just to stay alive. One swing later, he only had to wait for Laird and Percy to hit their shots — and they both hit into the water — to come up with his first win of the year. "I'm in shock," Byrd said, (Source: USA Today 2010-10-25T02:33:25Z)

The Arena Pulse Preseason Rankings: The Top 40 Teams in the Nation

No. 25: Wisconsin- The Big Ten continues to offer more solid teams and more depth in a league that could emerge as the best in 2010-2011. Bo Ryan's squad is led by Jon Leuer and no matter what the hype is, the Badgers seem to always be in the conversation ... (Source: 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Families Get Tips On Pumpkin Carving

The organizers of the first Pumpkin Carving Festival decided to offer some help. "In Hawaii, nobody knows how to carve pumpkins. Dad does the triangle eyes and all that. So we put together team of chefs and artists and master carvers that agreed to come ... (Source: 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Kiprusoff, Bourque star for Flames

Thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts. We have introduced a new commenting system called Disqus for our articles. This allows readers the option of signing in using their Facebook, Twitter, Disqus or existing username and ... (Source: Miami Herald 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Yankee DYNASTY: 1996-Present

the loudest clamoring over the past few days came as a reaffirmation that the Yankees dynasty is alive and stronger than ever. I refer of course to the frothing at the mouth Yankee haters, popularly referred to as 29-ers, who shrieked with glee every time ... (Source: CBS Sports 2010-10-25T02:40:34Z)

Menus for the postmodern milieu

You can offer feedback to the restaurant about your meal, split the bill among several members of your party, figure out the tip, and pay with a swipe of your credit card. Suri believes the ability to order an extra beer or a round of desserts without ... (Source: Boston Globe 2010-10-25T02:33:25Z)

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