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Deals of the Hour / October 24, 2010, 5:40 am

Would-be robber at NYC salon is surprised by off-duty officer getting her hair done

Authorities say the 50-year-old off-duty officer identified herself and ordered him to drop his gun. They say the man shot at her and missed and she returned fire. It wasn't clear whether he was hit. Police say the suspect fled on foot. No injuries were ... (Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune 2010-10-24T12:28:44Z)

Facebook evolves to stay on top of social web

That is why Facebook is moving quickly to take advantage of how it has already "become ingrained in our everyday lives," said analyst Atul Bagga of the investment research firm Think Equity LLC. Bagga cited one personal example - he now receives more ... (Source: San Francisco Gate 2010-10-24T12:35:54Z)

Governor candidates on firing line in midterms

and the candidates who offer plans that will do the same," Markell said. "When budgets are tight, choices become a very clear reflection of priorities." Unlike the federal government, they can't spend money they don't have or print it when they run out. (Source: AP - 2010-10-24T12:28:44Z)

Prop. 19: Fight over pot starts to heat up

Prop. 19 isn't really what it says it is - it will lead to a great deal of confusion, and it won't stop crime," said Pleasant Hill Police Chief Dunbar, spokesman for the California Police Chiefs Association. "Marijuana may be legalized one day, (Source: San Francisco Gate 2010-10-24T12:28:44Z)

Baylor Football: Bears Knock Off Kansas State 47-42, Garner Bowl Eligibility

Bears QB Robert Griffin III was just six years old when the Big 12 was first established. Fifteen years later, Griffin III has led the Bears out of the cellar and into a bowl—officially signifying the resurrection of the program with a dominating 47-42 ... (Source: 2010-10-24T12:35:54Z)

Could health care law undermine employer coverage?

Deloitte is a major accounting and consulting firm. Employer health benefits have been a middle-class mainstay since World War II, when companies were encouraged to offer health insurance instead of pay raises. About 150 million workers and family members ... (Source: Boston Herald 2010-10-24T12:35:54Z)

Phillies may have been the better team but they failed in the clutch

yet you get the feeling that the Phils of old would have mashed them without much trouble. Trouble is, these Phils don't do much mashing anymore. For much of the NLCS, the Phillies failed to produce during the most critical junctures. Manuel pointed out ... (Source: Philadelphia Daily News 2010-10-24T12:28:44Z)

New Bedford narcotics detectives seize guns, drugs

Police said the weapon was within reach of an 8-year-old girl who lived in the apartment with Dacosta, his three sisters and mother. Police said Dacosta was arrested in June on numerous firearm-related charges, and was free on bail at the time of his ... (Source: Boston Herald 2010-10-24T12:28:44Z)

Government to propose truck fuel efficiency rules

Thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts. We have introduced a new commenting system called Disqus for our articles. This allows readers the option of signing in using their Facebook, Twitter, Disqus or existing username and ... (Source: Miami Herald 2010-10-24T12:35:54Z)

NYC cop getting her hair done thwarts salon robber

Authorities say the 50-year-old off-duty officer identified herself and ordered him to drop his gun. They say the man shot at her and missed and she returned fire. It wasn't clear whether he was hit. Police say the suspect fled on foot. No injuries were ... (Source: AP - 2010-10-24T12:28:44Z)

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