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Deals of the Hour / October 24, 2010, 4:40 pm

Rapid Reaction: Patriots 23, Chargers 20

But a Kris Brown 50-yard field goal with 23 seconds left hit the left upright and bounced into the field of play, giving the Patriots the hold-on-by-the-seat-of-your-pants victory. The field goal would have been 45 yards, but a false start penalty pushed ... (Source: 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Lesnar, 'Undertaker' have words after UFC 121

He was interviewing Mark Calaway -- better known as WWE's Undertaker -- when former pro wrestler Brock Lesnar walked by after losing to Cain Velasquez. Lesnar and Calaway seemed to have a bit of an uncomfortable stare at each other: (Source: USA Today 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Hard questions loom for patronage 'king'

It is the portrait of a politician who makes up for an unabashed lack of interest in policy details with a keen appetite for behind-the-scenes deal-making. That style has allowed him to remain in the Democratic leadership despite close association with not ... (Source: Boston Globe 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Iran expands economic influence on Iraq

including General Electric 's $2.7 billion contract for power turbines and Boeing 's $5 billion aircraft deal. The United States also has been successful in selling military equipment. Iraq is preparing to purchase up to $13 billion in American arms, (Source: USA Today 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Tech firms see potential in 'virtual desktop infrastructure'

PC makers Dell and Hewlett-Packard must deal with a double-edged sword. Each could see sales of traditional desktops erode. Yet, each could also grow sales of data-center servers and lucrative service contracts to help companies manage VDI systems. (Source: USA Today 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Raiders set team scoring mark, rout Broncos 59-14

Thank you for taking the time to offer your thoughts. We have introduced a new commenting system called Disqus for our articles. This allows readers the option of signing in using their Facebook, Twitter, Disqus or existing username and ... (Source: Miami Herald 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Ultimate Bragging Rights Preview-Wade Barrett Vs. Randy Orton For The WWE Title

only for the anonymous GM to rule that if Cena doesn't obey his end of the deal and Wade Barrett, he will be fired for good from WWE. The Monday nights afterwards have witnessed John Cena being humiliated left and right by Nexus, in particular their leader, (Source: 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Brock Lesnar: Undertaker Confronts Fighter, Wants To Face Him at WrestleMania

Brock Lesnar was approached by WWE's "The Undertaker" following the fighter's crushing loss to Cain Velasquez. And apparently, Undertaker wants to battle Lesnar at WrestleMania XXVII—regardless of whether or not the confrontation was a work of art. (Source: 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

Rapid reaction: Pats 23, Chargers 20

But a Kris Brown 50-yard field goal with 23 seconds left hit the left upright and bounced into the field of play, giving the Patriots the hold-on-by-the-seat-of-your-pants victory. The field goal would have been 45 yards, but a false start penalty pushed ... (Source: 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

No Joy in Philly; Mighty Howard Has Struck Out

signing a lot of us to long-term deals. This front office assured us that we're going to be around a few years and we're going to stick. "Yeah, there are going to be pieces that eventually may move, or make the team better, and you can't keep a ... (Source: New York Times 2010-10-24T23:34:28Z)

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