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Deals of the Hour / June 20, 2010, 5:10 am

BP chief rapped for yacht trip as oil cleanup goes on

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AFP) – A yacht outing has landed BP chief Tony Hayward in more hot water, unleashing fresh criticism of his handling of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and overshadowing modest progress in ... (Source: YAHOO! 2010-06-20T11:30:35Z)

Study: Millions in Bangladesh exposed to arsenic in drinking water

(CNN) -- It could be the worst mass poisoning in history. And the terrible irony is that it may all be due to an idealistic push to clean up drinking water for some of the world's poorest people. A new study published in ... (Source: CNN 2010-06-20T11:30:35Z)

FIFA bans Australia's Harry Kewell for 1 match

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — FIFA says Australia's Harry Kewell will serve a one-match ban for being shown a red card for a hand ball against Ghana. FIFA's disciplinary committee announced the suspension Sunday, ruling Kewell ... (Source: FOX News 2010-06-20T12:06:22Z)

Nigerian gets jail term over stolen tickets

A Nigerian has been given a three-year prison sentence after being caught in possession of 30 stolen World Cup tickets. Kunle Benjamin was arrested and then sentenced at a special World Cup court after he began driving ... (Source: ESPN Soccernet 2010-06-20T11:37:44Z)

FIFA Blocks US From Training At Loftus Versfeld

(AP) IRENE, South Africa (AP) - FIFA has told the U.S. Soccer Federation the American team can't train at Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Pretoria on Tuesday ahead of the game against Algeria the following day. "They're ... (Source: CBS News 2010-06-20T11:52:03Z)

World Cup 2010

Lovely link-up play from Paraguay. Barrios back heels for Vera, who returns the ball to Barrios who fires his effort just over. Paraguay are showing real intent here. They haven't created a clear cut chance yet, but if ... (Source: ESPN Soccernet 2010-06-20T11:23:25Z)

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The AD to be said he's also met with Bray Cary, president of West Virginia Media, to get an understanding of television issues, specifically the much-ballyhooed Big Ten Network. "There seems to be a line of thinking that ... (Source: Charleston Gazette 2010-06-20T11:01:57Z)

Will Pistons boss Joe Dumars go all in for Kentucky's DeMarcus Cousins?

The next few days should tell us a lot about Joe Dumars' poker skills. However, the game won't play out in his basement. It will get a public airing in the rumor mill that has only begun to percolate in anticipation of ... (Source: Detroit Free Press 2010-06-20T11:44:54Z)

FIFA Studies Safety After Bottles Thrown On Field

(AP) JOHANNESBURG (AP) - FIFA is examining stadium safety in Rustenburg after plastic beer bottles were thrown on the field during Australia's 1-1 draw Saturday with Ghana at the World Cup. FIFA spokesman Nicolas Maingot ... (Source: CBS News 2010-06-20T11:16:16Z)

Firm tied to Blackwater gets Afghan contract

Washington (CNN) -- A firm affiliated with the former Blackwater security company has been awarded a contract to provide protection to U.S. consulates and diplomats in the Afghan cities of Herat and Mazar-e Sharif, a U.S ... (Source: CNN 2010-06-20T11:30:35Z)

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