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Deals of the Hour / June 20, 2010, 1:10 pm

Emanuel: Barton's comments were from the heart; Lieberman: Energy reform 'has a ...

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said BP CEO Tony Hayward's appearance at a yacht race this weekend is the latest "in a long line of PR gaffes and mistakes" for the company. Emanuel emphasized that the ... (Source: Washington Post 2010-06-20T19:01:33Z)

Congress Wins Expanded Oversight of Intelligence Community

Marc Ambinder is the politics editor for The Atlantic , where he curates the influential Politics channel on and contributes to the magazine. He is also a contributing editor to National Journal and chief ... (Source: Atlantic Online (blog) 2010-06-20T20:05:59Z)

New Zealand Makes Lambs Out of Italy

Italy only won the last World Cup because of the intervention of the fourth official. He saw Zinedine Zidane's headbutt on Italy's Marco Materazzi, when most in the stadium (including myself) had their eyes elsewhere. He ... (Source: CBS News 2010-06-20T19:30:11Z)

Obama to keep heat on Barton

As the political aftershocks from Rep. Joe Barton's expression of sympathy for British Petroleum continue, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel promised Sunday that President Barack Obama hopes to make sure that ... (Source: 2010-06-20T19:51:40Z)

Marlins brass says vuvuzela night a success, players disagree

MIAMI -- When Florida outfielder Cody Ross arrived for work Sunday morning, he grabbed a bright yellow vuvuzela from his locker and sent noise blaring through the Marlins' clubhouse. One day after horngate, the Marlins ... (Source: CBS Sports 2010-06-20T20:05:59Z)

Tell me that this should be only a comment and I will spit

We're having a special election in California this Tuesday. It's the Senate seat for the Central California coast. I covered the candidate and the issue in this diary yesterday . Please click through to that diary if you ... (Source: DAILY KOS 2010-06-20T19:51:40Z)

McGrath: Hey, FIFA, what about simply getting it right?

Bob Bradley the day after: `It was a good goal' The U.S. is moving on, with no way to appeal the disallowed goal that would have given the Americans a lead in their 2-2 World Cup tie against Slovenia. Referee Koman ... (Source: Tacoma News Tribune 2010-06-20T19:51:40Z)

Another day, another BP blunder: CEO's day at yacht race draws even more anger along ...

EMPIRE, La. - It could have been a turnaround week in BP's campaign to convince the public that it's doing everything possible to contain the damage from the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history. The company pledged ... (Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune 2010-06-20T19:30:11Z)

BP estimates oil spill up to 100,00 bpd in document

BURAS, Louisiana (Reuters) - BP Plc estimates that a worst-case scenario rate for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill could be about 100,000 barrels of oil per day, according to an internal company document released on Sunday ... (Source: Yahoo Finance 2010-06-20T19:37:21Z)

Q&A: What has changed in Israel's blockade of Gaza?

Israel announced Sunday new steps to ease a land blockade of the Gaza Strip, after weeks of international pressure over an Israeli commando raid on an aid flotilla that killed nine pro-Palestinian activists. Following ... (Source: 2010-06-20T19:58:49Z)

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