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Deals of the Hour / June 20, 2010, 11:11 am

Will Pistons boss Joe Dumars go all in for Kentucky's DeMarcus Cousins?

The next few days should tell us a lot about Joe Dumars' poker skills. However, the game won't play out in his basement. It will get a public airing in the rumor mill that has only begun to percolate in anticipation of ... (Source: Detroit Free Press 2010-06-20T17:49:58Z)

African muti used to help South Africa at WCup

JOHANNESBURG — With the vuvuzelas so far falling short of providing a winning boost to South Africa at the World Cup, some locals are turning to other, far more imaginative means of help. In order to increase Bafana ... (Source: USA Today 2010-06-20T17:57:08Z)

Stroud winery grows out of hobby

By SCOTT CHERRY World Scene Writer Published: 6/20/2010 2:23 AM Last Modified: 6/20/2010 4:16 AM STROUD — It isn't often much good comes out of Oklahoma's spring storms, but it was the aftermath of two tornadoes that ... (Source: Tulsa World 2010-06-20T17:57:08Z)

Cape Town "curse" leaves fans desperate for action

CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Portugal coach Carlos Queiroz has promised to break the "Cape Town curse" by ending the run of dull draws that have left the city's soccer fans wondering just when they are going to get a slice of ... (Source: FOX News 2010-06-20T17:42:49Z)

Israel Drafting New List of Goods Banned From Gaza

Israel pledged Sunday it will immediately allow all goods into Gaza except weapons and other items deemed to have a military use under its decision to ease its three-year-old blockade of the Palestinian territory. The ... (Source: ABC News 2010-06-20T17:21:20Z)

Israel lifting blockade of Gaza 'except for military items'

Jerusalem (CNN) -- Israel plans to ease its blockade of Gaza, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday following an Israeli Security Cabinet meeting, a step welcomed by the United States and Middle East envoy Tony ... (Source: CNN 2010-06-20T17:35:39Z)

Democrats continue hammering GOP over Barton apology to BP

Top White House official calls Barton apology to BP reflective of Republican pro-business philosophy Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel says issue of Barton's comment could be a factor in November congressional elections ... (Source: CNN 2010-06-20T16:09:45Z)

BP reportedly to raise $50 billion for spill

LONDON - BP Plc is planning to raise $50 billion to cover the cost of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a London newspaper reported Sunday, while the head of a $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the accident vowed ... (Source: 2010-06-20T17:28:30Z)

BP chief yacht outing draws fire as oil effort slogs on

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AFP) – BP chief Tony Hayward came under scathing attack on Sunday, with the White House calling his attendance at a yacht race another big mistake and complaining bitterly of the energy giant's ... (Source: YAHOO! 2010-06-20T18:04:17Z)

Yellow Sub Finds Clues to Antarctic Glacier's Thaw

ATHENS (Reuters) - A yellow submarine has helped to solve a puzzle about one of Antarctica's fastest-melting glaciers, adding to concerns about how climate change may push up world sea levels, scientists said Sunday. The ... (Source: ABC News 2010-06-20T17:42:49Z)

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