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Deals of the Hour / September 21, 2010, 1:41 pm

Savvy Senior: Federal task force recommends health screenings for seniors

... LDL "bad" cholesterol, HDL "good" cholesterol and triglycerides. It should be more frequently if you smoke, have diabetes or a family history. • Colorectal cancer: Begin regular screening at age 50. Your ... (Source: Morris County Daily Record 2010-09-21T08:07:14Z)

DADT Update: Lady Gaga, SLDN, Outserve Appeal to Maine Senators

Last night I posted about the Maine rally Lady Gaga is attending today for DADT repeal. The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network has seen a huge increase to visitors of its website since Lady Gaga began her "Don't ... (Source: Towleroad 2010-09-21T04:25:19Z)

Calcium report causes controversy

I had what my doctor called a mild heart attack ... LDL and HDL numbers. I am slim, I eat right, and I exercise. Why did I have this heart episode? Could it have been a result of my calcium supplements? A. (Source: The Spokesman-Review 2010-09-21T06:55:39Z)

Paris Hilton Will Avoid Jail After Agreeing A Plea Deal

... Las Vegas Review-Journal newspaper, the 29-year-old blonde will formally plead guilty to misdemeanour ... The deal read: "Defendant shall stay out of trouble. Defendant agrees that an arrest for any charge, (Source: Elites TV 2010-09-19T20:55:32Z)

Lady Gaga Rallies in Maine to Repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Lady Gaga is holding campaign-style rallies to help end "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The iconoclastic pop star appeared in Portland, Maine, on September 20 at a rally held by the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network in ... (Source: NBC Bay Area 2010-09-21T09:54:36Z)

Race to the Top deal: NJ Gov. Chris Christie will release docs, Senate will ...

Chris Christie to release documents related ... The subpoena power had been sought by Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono, who heads the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee. "Earlier today, the governor called me ... (Source: Morris County Daily Record 2010-09-20T19:42:46Z)

Bid to end ban on gays in US army before Senate

... and the Marine input for the online survey has been predominantly negative," General James Amos told the Senate Armed Services Committee in written ... Leading Republican senator John McCain has threatened to ... (Source: YAHOO! 2010-09-21T18:30:00Z)

Shaker pitcher commits to East Carolina

... Clippers into a scholarship offer from the Pirates at East Carolina University. Hoffman, a pitcher, confirmed Monday that he had accepted an offer from ECU after visiting the campus in Greenville, N.C. over the ... (Source: Troy Record 2010-09-21T08:14:23Z)

Senate repeal of ban on gays in military falters

WASHINGTON (AP) â€" It's John McCain versus Lady Gaga on Tuesday as the Senate ... I regret to see that the long-respected and revered Senate Armed Services Committee has evolved into a forum for a social agenda ... (Source: Daily Oklahoman 2010-09-21T17:04:06Z)

Hoffman headed to ECU

... Clippers into a scholarship offer from the Pirates at East Carolina University. Hoffman, a pitcher, confirmed Monday that he had accepted an offer from ECU after visiting the campus in Greenville, N.C. over the ... (Source: Troy Record 2010-09-21T10:44:43Z)

Poll: Americans want deficit cut despite tough economy

... sour public mood and low approval ratings for Obama have helped move Republicans into position to make big gains in Congress, where they are threatening to gain control of the House of Representatives and ... (Source: 2010-09-21T17:18:25Z)

Gov. Christie reaches compromise on Race to the Top docs with Senate

Chris Christie has agreed to release documents ... The subpoena power had been sought by Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono, who heads the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee. The agreement came during a one-on ... (Source: 2010-09-20T19:49:56Z)

Rovi deal triggers live Apple TV speculation

A secretive deal between Apple Inc. and Rovi Corp. triggered rumors Monday that Apple TV could get live TV and digital video recording features. Analyst Gene Munster at Piper Jaffray wrote that he believes ... (Source: San Jose Business Journal 2010-09-20T14:49:17Z)

Jackson Jr. friend to feds: Jesse told me to offer millions for Senate seat

Jesse Jackson Jr. directed a major political fundraiser to offer former Gov. Rod Blagojevich millions of dollars in campaign cash in ... Sandi Jackson (7th), also has been mentioned as a possible mayoral candidate, (Source: Southtown Star 2010-09-21T09:04:30Z)

Americans want deficit cut even in tough economy

The sour public mood and low approval ratings for Obama have helped move Republicans into position to make big gains in Congress, where they are threatening to gain control of the House of Representatives ... (Source: Town Hall 2010-09-21T17:04:06Z)

Update: Senate Won't Debate Repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

Pop star Lady Gaga spoke at an afternoon rally in Maine to pressure the state's two Republican senators -- Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins -- to join Democrats in overcoming an expected filibuster attempt. (Source: 2010-09-21T19:12:57Z)

New Apple Deal Suggests Live TV And DVR Coming To Apple TV

which was disclosed by Rovi in an SEC filing , but Gene Munster at Piper Jaffray thinks it signals Apple has bigger plans for Apple TV in the future. In a note Munster writes, "We believe this announcement is further ... (Source: The Business Insider 2010-09-20T17:05:17Z)

Factbox: Obama, Republican offer competing economic plans

President Barack Obama and House of Representatives Republican Leader John Boehner on Wednesday offered competing plans to boost the lackluster economy, setting the stage for an intense debate over tax and spending ... (Source: 2010-09-08T16:36:34Z)

Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. denies Blagojevich allegations

... Jesse Jackson Jr. denies a report that he told a businessman to offer Rod Blagojevich millions of dollars in exchange for ... Chicago Alderman Sandi Jackson. Sandi Jackson has said both she and her husband are ... (Source: KTNV 2010-09-21T19:48:44Z)

Senate Republicans block bill to repeal "Don't ask don't tell"

... AP) -- Senate ... Democrats fell short of the 60 votes needed to advance the legislation, which authorized $726 billion in defense spending including a pay raise for troops. Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins ... (Source: KTNV 2010-09-21T19:48:44Z)

Paris Hilton To Plea Guilty In Cocaine Charge In Exchange For Probation

Hilton was arrested on one felony count of cocaine possession after a small pack of cocaine fell out from her designer purse. The Las Vegas Review-Journal has ... The plea deal reads: "Defendant shall stay out of ... (Source: All Headline News 2010-09-20T15:25:04Z)

Pirates' bye week comes at perfect time

GREENVILLE — After starting out the season right off the bat with two ... first road game of year against an angry Virginia Tech team, East Carolina ... drastic as the unit abandoned the zone schemes that made the ECU ... (Source: Washington Daily News 2010-09-21T06:12:42Z)

Feds: Jesse Jackson Jr. asked fund-raiser to help Blagojevich, pay for ...

Jesse Jackson Jr. directed a major political fund-raiser to offer former Gov. Rod Blagojevich millions of dollars in campaign cash in ... Sandi Jackson (7th), also has been mentioned as a possible mayoral candidate, (Source: Chicago Sun-Times (blog) 2010-09-21T16:06:50Z)

Apple One Step Closer to HDTV via Rovi Licensing Deal

Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster reaffirmed his stance concerning Apple's potential plans to take over the living room in the next 2 to 4 years with a full-fledged Apple television. "Earlier today (9/20), Rovi, (Source: Softpedia 2010-09-21T07:38:36Z)

Deal delays subpoena vote

Chris Christie has agreed to release ... subpoena power was being sought by Senate Majority Leader Barbara Buono, D-Middlesex, who heads the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee, following the state Department of ... (Source: Courier-Post 2010-09-21T08:07:14Z)

Senate Republicans Use Filibuster to Block Efforts to Repeal 'Don't Ask Don't ...

Gay rights advocates waiting for the Senate ... Susan Collins of Maine, who announced she wouldn't vote to advance the bill because Democrats hadn't incorporated enough flexibility to allow Republicans to amend the ... (Source: Common Dreams 2010-09-21T19:34:25Z)

Don't Ask Don't Tell Repeal Faces Filibuster, Key Senate Vote

The effort to end the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy faces a major hurdle today with Republican Sen. John McCain vowing to ... the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee. "Their desperation ... (Source: ABC News 2010-09-21T17:11:15Z)

Medical outreach van to offer free screenings in September

A lipid profile including the breakdown of cholesterol into HDL, LDL and triglycerides is offered ... Patients should take all of their regular medicines as directed by their doctor. The schedule for September is as ... (Source: Anderson Independent-Mail 2010-09-07T20:48:18Z)

Live video: Lady Gaga's appearance at Maine rally against military 'don't ask ...

WCSH-TV in Portland, Maine, plans to provide live streaming video of entertainer Lady Gaga's scheduled appearance at a Servicemembers Legal Defense Network rally near the University of Southern Maine's ... (Source: Alexandria Daily Town Talk 2010-09-21T07:52:55Z)

Confirmed, Paris Hilton Agrees to Guilty Plea in Cocaine Arrest

Officials in Nevada have confirmed Paris Hilton has agreed a plea deal which will see her sentenced to ... Roger tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "We fashioned a resolution which would give us complete control ... (Source: AceShowbiz 2010-09-21T03:42:22Z)

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