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Deals of the Hour / June 29, 2011, 12:43 pm

Obama asks Congress to cancel vacations, deal with challenges

President Barack Obama on Wednesday asked U.S. lawmakers to forego their vacations and instead concentrate on solving the nation's problems, especially debt reduction, as he did in the recent past dealing with bin Laden and others. Addressing journalists ... (Source: All Headline News 2011-06-29T19:23:18Z)

Dark 'Transformers' Unveils Moon Conspiracy, Lingerie Model: Rick Warner

The plot of Bay's third "Transformers" movie, " Dark of the Moon ," revolves around an alien spacecraft that crashed on the moon in the early 1960s. Though the government hushed up the discovery, it prompted President John F. Kennedy 's pledge ... (Source: Bloomberg 2011-06-29T02:12:30Z)

California's grand budget bargain that wasn't

It was drawn up entirely by the Legislature's Democratic majority, which gave up trying to strike a deal with Republicans that would have included a raft of governmental reforms. On the other hand, it arrived for all intents and purposes on time ... (Source: Los Angeles Times 2011-06-29T19:16:08Z)

Judge Unexpectedly Halts Casey Anthony Trial Until Monday

One witness was to offer a second opinion on the chloroform readings that the state's witness, Dr. Arpad Vass, provided from Casey Anthony's trunk. The trial will resume at 8:30 a.m. ET Monday. On Friday, defense attorneys showed jurors several photos that ... (Source: FOX News 2011-06-25T19:20:53Z)

AU summit opens without Gadhafi, but in his shadow

Gadhafi usually arrives at AU summits in his ballooning robes and dark sunglasses surrounded by a phalanx of female bodyguards. Reporters looked forward to his theatrics, which always involved his refusal to sleep in a hotel room and his insistence on ... (Source: 2011-06-29T19:16:08Z)

Predicting Facebook's Future

An IPO is the first sale of stock by a company to the public on a major stock exchange. Going public is generally done for different reasons, including desiring to grow, paying off debt, and selling a portion of ownership. LinkedIn, after announcing an ... (Source: The Epoch Times 2011-06-29T19:23:18Z)

Obama: Ending Tax Breaks For Wealthy Not Radical

Obama says he is still confident that lawmakers can reach a deal that will get the government to live within its means. (Source: WGRZ TV 2011-06-29T19:30:27Z)

New Jersey shifts more costs to government workers

advised them to roll back some of the benefits promised to current workers. But the budget deal reached between Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic lawmakers in Sacramento did not include pension changes. (Source: Los Angeles Times 2011-06-29T02:33:58Z)

Fireworks As Casey Anthony's Father Testifies

"The defense has brought up the suicide," Ashton told Perry. "I do intend for him to identify the suicide note and intend to offer it because it shows that on January 22, 2009, this man had no idea who killed Caylee Marie Anthony, and it rebuts ... (Source: 2011-06-29T19:23:18Z)

Facebook Fever: Investment Doubles in Just 6.5 Hours

went public on April 28 and has since invested in digital textbook start-up Kno Inc. The $50 million fund said it completed a deal to purchase 225,000 shares of Facebook at an average price of $29.28. Facebook now represents about 15% of the fund's portfolio. (Source: Wall Street Journal 2011-06-28T00:04:50Z)

Greece passes austerity, but riots seize capital

Investors cheered the bill - which aims to cut spending and raise taxes by euro28 billion ($40 billion) and raise euro50 billion ($71 billion) in privatizations over five years - but, in Athens, the mood was dark. In a haze of tear gas, protesters hurled ... (Source: The State 2011-06-29T19:23:18Z)

Stocks, Crude Oil Gain as Greece Passes Austerity Measures; Dollar Falls

Investors bid for 1.1 times the securities offered, the lowest so-called bid-to-cover ratio since a sale of the debt in December. To contact the reporters on this story: Nick Baker in New York at ; Rita Nazareth in New York at ... (Source: Bloomberg 2011-06-29T19:16:08Z)

Yemen may retake oil pipeline, crisis persists

"We're close to reaching either a deal or a crackdown," said the official, who declined to be named. "There is mediation, we have been in contact with them. But our patience is limited." The lack of crude has forced the Aden oil refinery to halt output ... (Source: 2011-06-28T15:42:34Z)

Factbox: Latest developments in Libyan conflict

Following are the latest political and military developments in the Libyan crisis. * The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant on Monday for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Rebels trying to oust him said their forces had advanced to within ... (Source: 2011-06-28T12:57:56Z)

Facebook sells 225,000 shares to GSV Capital Corp. ahead of anticipated IPO

The investment fund did not say how large its stake in Facebook is, compared with the company's overall ownership, and did not offer clues to the Palo Alto, Calif.-based social network's overall valuation. Facebook officials were unavailable for comment ... (Source: Los Angeles Times 2011-06-27T22:53:15Z)

On a Clear Day' Now Has One to Open

A 1970 film version starred Barbra Streisand as Daisy Gamble and Yves Montand as Dr. Bruckner. Tickets will go on sale exclusively to American Express card members on July 6 and to the public on July 25. (Source: New York Times Blogs 2011-06-29T19:16:08Z)

Greek police clash with austerity protesters

Labour unions launched a 48-hour strike to protest the measures and more than 5,000 police were deployed to the center of the capital to deal with the protests, with most attention focused on Syntagma Square in front of the parliament. The rally was ... (Source: YAHOO! 2011-06-28T22:30:36Z)

Tax standoff blocks progress in debt talks

The two sides will not make progress on a deal to extend the U.S. borrowing authority as long as Democrats continue to push for tax increases, the Senate's top Republican said. "The path forward ... seems to be blocked by the insistence on raising taxes in ... (Source: Reuters 2011-06-29T01:43:52Z)

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