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Deals of the Hour / June 27, 2011, 2:41 am

Captain Rampone leads U.S. into Women's World Cup

She figures playing in the World Cup as the mother of two isn't a big deal. Her role model, former U.S. star Joy Fawcett, did it with three. (Source: Argus Leader 2011-06-27T08:34:16Z)

Gaddafi's future not up for debate:Libyan government

But the government spokesman said in the statement that talk of a deal was premature. "It is not possible for a new stage to begin before NATO stops its aggression against Libya. As for the armed groups, they have no force on the ground, nor popular ... (Source: NEXT 2011-06-27T09:17:13Z)

Sudan's Bashir warns, reassures China on south split

"In fact, we have received a better offer from China than that of the Western companies," said Bashir. Beijing has been encouraging a smooth transition along Sudan's volatile north-south border and hopes to ensure that its oil supplies are not interrupted. (Source: NEXT 2011-06-27T09:17:13Z)

Gaddafi revives offer of vote to end Libya conflict

TRIPOLI: The Libyan government, on Sunday, renewed its offer to hold a vote on whether Muammar Gaddafi ... Instead, they say, the Libyan leader is holding out the possibility of a deal to try to widen cracks that have been emerging in the alliance ranged ... (Source: Pakistan News Service 2011-06-27T09:02:54Z)

Whitey Bulger, a savvy, feared fugitive, is found frail and paranoid

But soon after Bulger was lured out of a Santa Monica apartment on Wednesday and arrested at long last, it became clear that the reputed mobster was an old and ailing man living a quiet life. The end did not come in a hail of gunfire, as he'd once ... (Source: Los Angeles Times 2011-06-24T17:20:22Z)

Biden: Obama won't let middle class 'carry whole burden' of debt cutbacks

"We're not going to let the middle class carry the whole burden. We will sacrifice. But they must be in on the deal," Biden said in a speech at the Ohio Democratic Party's annual dinner. Biden led efforts on a deficit-reduction plan but Republicans pulled ... (Source: Medford Mail Tribune 2011-06-27T08:55:44Z)

Judge Unexpectedly Halts Casey Anthony Trial Until Monday

One witness was to offer a second opinion on the chloroform readings that the state's witness, Dr. Arpad Vass, provided from Casey Anthony's trunk. The trial will resume at 8:30 a.m. ET Monday. On Friday, defense attorneys showed jurors several photos that ... (Source: FOX News 2011-06-25T19:20:53Z)

China says arrival of Sudanese president in Beijing for talks has been delayed

South Sudan's declaration of independence next month will be the culmination of a 2005 peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war that killed more than 2 million people. (Source: Minneapolis Star Tribune 2011-06-27T09:02:54Z)

Obama to discuss debt ceiling with Senate leaders

WASHINGTON  — Efforts to work out a deal for cutting government spending while at the same time raising the debt limit move into a new phase Monday with President Barack Obama meeting at the White House with Senate leaders. Obama is set to meet Monday ... (Source: 2011-06-27T08:48:35Z)

Iowa Poll: Civil unions are GOP minefield

It's also not a big deal if a candidate favors a return to the gold standard ... Pawlenty and Romney would sign the Ryan plan if they were president, but as candidates they want to offer somewhat different alternatives. Paul voted against Ryan's plan. (Source: Des Moines Register 2011-06-27T09:10:03Z)

Obama Targets $72 Billion Business Tax Break

Obama and Republican leaders now must bridge the divide as pressure builds for a deal. Moody's Investors Service this month said it will put the U.S. government's Aaa credit rating under review for a downgrade unless there's progress on raising the ... (Source: Bloomberg 2011-06-27T08:41:25Z)

Sudan president's arrival in China delayed

South Sudan's declaration of independence next month will be the culmination of a 2005 peace deal that ended more than two decades of civil war that killed more than 2 million people. (Source: San Jose Mercury News 2011-06-27T09:02:54Z)

Yankees come back on Juan Nicasio, Rockies with HRs from Nick Swisher, Jorge Posada for 6-4 win

"I was glad I had some sunglasses on," Nick Swisher said. "There's no crying in baseball, but ... It was just a wonderful day - very emotional at the beginning, then we started off a little slow and gained a lot of steam at the end." The actual Old Timers ... (Source: New York Daily News 2011-06-27T08:55:44Z)

Cashing in on the Casey Anthony Trial

Kabrawala said the company has also struck a deal with Anthony Lazzaro, one of Casey's ex-boyfriends, to participate in a question and answer session during the tour once he is no longer a part of the trial. And the company said it is also in talks with ... (Source: FOXBusiness 2011-06-23T23:55:16Z)

FBI's tip tale stinks as much as agency's past

I celand. Seriously? We are expected to believe that a woman from Iceland watching TV spotted Whitey Bulger and his girlfriend in Santa Monica where he has lived in the same apartment for 15 years just four miles from an FBI office? Why didn't the feds ... (Source: Boston Herald 2011-06-27T08:41:25Z)

Student Loans Canada – Techniques of Taking

The govt. of Canada will insure the student-financing loan. The banks will also offer it in the lowest interest rate for the students. Though it is not nice like the 0 % interest rate but it will also be viable for many students in their education of financing. (Source: 2011-06-27T09:10:03Z)

Libya Clashes Escalate But a Diplomatic Compromise Looms

The regime appears unable for the foreseeable future to restore control over those - slowly growing - parts of the country where rebel forces have broken Gaddafi's iron grip, yet the rebels and their NATO backers so far appear unable to deal the regime's ... (Source: YAHOO! 2011-06-27T09:31:32Z)

Steep budget cuts now could harm economy

Congress needed no reminding of the need to reduce spending, but the report added fuel to the obsession of those who insist on massive and immediate budget cuts as part of any deal on raising the federal debt limit. They should read the CBO report a little ... (Source: Des Moines Register 2011-06-27T09:02:54Z)

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