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Deals of the Hour / June 23, 2011, 2:43 am

Apple's latest Multi-Touch patent a major or minor deal?

"So Apple got yet another patent granted today, and now there's yet another media firestorm over whether it means Cupertino will be able to sue every other phone manufacturer out of business, or at least out of the business of making multitouch devices ... (Source: Macdaily News 2011-06-23T09:07:38Z)

Apple Television Sets Could Hit Shelves This Year

Apple's televisions would complete with its manufacturing partner, but that is not a deal-breaker. "If you have to be competing with somebody, you want to be competing with yourself," he says. Some recent Apple job listings suggest that a standalone Apple ... (Source: Newser 2011-06-23T08:39:00Z)

Ageless Red Wings captain Nicklas Lidstrom wins 7th Norris Trophy

LAS VEGAS -- Red Wings defenseman Nicklas Lidstrom left the Palms Casino Resort with the one trophy he really wanted -- the one that has become synonymous with his name. The James Norris Memorial Trophy recognizing the NHL's top defenseman went to Lidstrom ... (Source: Asheville Citizen-Times 2011-06-23T09:07:38Z)

Microsoft Sympathizes With Sony Over PSN Attack

During the PSN outage, myself and Nick Broughall over at Gizmodo openly wondered why Microsoft hadn't done more to take advantage of the situation, but now, via Industry Gamers, Dennis Durkin, COO and CFO of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment ... (Source: Kotaku Australia 2011-06-23T09:00:29Z)

Prosecutors Raise Possibility Casey Anthony Stole Accidental Drowning Defense From Jailmate

In Whalen's case, her son Isaiah was found Christmas Day 2007 by his grandfather at the bottom of a dirty pool that was dark green with large amounts of tree debris floating in it, according to the incident report. Attempts by the grandfather to perform ... (Source: FOX News 2011-06-22T09:51:46Z)

Troop drawdown from Afghanistan set at 33,000

We've ended our combat mission in Iraq, with 100,000 American troops already out of that country. And even as there will be dark days ahead in Afghanistan, the light of a secure peace can be seen in the distance. These long wars will come to a responsible end." (Source: Raleigh News & Observer 2011-06-23T08:53:19Z)

A Look Inside the Fed's Balance Sheet

"It appears JP Morgan Chase is a vampire squid as well. JPMorgan will pay a $153 million fine to settle Securities and Exchange Commission charges that it misled investors in a mortgage bond deal just as the housing market was about to crack. The SEC ... (Source: Minyanville 2011-06-22T15:06:44Z)

Humble pigeon shows up flaws in Australian broadband

With Telstra shareholders expected to sign off on Thursday's deal, the main question now is whether the government can manage the project well and bring it in on time and on budget. "I'm concerned," retiree Nelms said. "The cost blows out and then they say ... (Source: The Guardian 2011-06-23T09:29:07Z)

US finally talking to the enemy

Without that, it would have been highly problematic for the US and other foreign powers in Afghanistan to justify an eventual plan for cutting a peace deal with the Taliban. Details of the divided sanctions lists were contained in two US-drafted ... (Source: Asia Times 2011-06-23T08:53:19Z)

Obama moves toward exit from Afghanistan

Nearly 10 years after the September 11 attacks that triggered the war, U.S. and NATO forces have been unable to deal a decisive blow to the insurgent Taliban. The Afghan government remains weak and notoriously corrupt and billions of dollars in foreign aid ... (Source: 2011-06-22T23:20:39Z)

Cuomo's breakthrough with state's biggest union on health coverage costs should set pattern for city

They'll also face higher co-pays and deductibles. If the deal is ratified, these changes alone will cut labor costs by $263 million over the life of the contract. If other state bargaining units follow suit, the savings will total almost $1.4 billion. (Source: New York Daily News 2011-06-23T09:14:48Z)

Italy ceasefire call exposes NATO split on Libya

Time is now a crucial factor for both sides in the conflict, with unity in the NATO-led coalition likely to come under more strain and Gaddafi having to deal with the economic impact of international sanctions. In a sign of the increasing impact of the ... (Source: 2011-06-22T23:27:49Z)

Coalition Calls for 'Cut, Cap, And Balance' on Capitol Hill

LL: Based on the schematics of the House, Tea Party members are not necessary to pass a debt ceiling deal. As long as GOP House Leadership can get the moderates on both sides of the aisle to agree, (as they did with the passage of the 2011 budget), they ... (Source: CNBC 2011-06-22T20:36:01Z)

US STOCKS-Wall St set for slightly lower open; Fed decision eyed

NEW YORK, June 22 (Reuters) - U.S. stocks were set for a lower open on Wednesday as investors were cautious about the direction the Federal Reserve would take to deal with renewed weakness in the economy. U.S. stocks posted gains for the fourth straight ... (Source: Reuters 2011-06-22T12:43:34Z)

Pressure stays on Greeks to avoid default

Euro zone officials have told Reuters the plan for the new bailout, meant to extend Greece's year-old 110-billion-euro deal and fund it into late 2014, would feature up to 60 billion euros of fresh official loans, 30 billion euros from the private sector ... (Source: YAHOO! 2011-06-22T18:12:51Z)

Markets Surge as Fear of a Greek Default Eases

"There is increased optimism that one, the prime minister will survive the confidence motion tonight and two, that will pave the way for austerity measures to be passed," said Nick Stamenkovic ... bank's policy to deal with an economy that shows ... (Source: New York Times 2011-06-22T16:11:10Z)

Fed to Maintain Stimulus After Ending Treasury Purchases

"We expect the recovery will continue to be slow and uneven, particularly for more moderate-income households," Gregg Steinhafel , chairman and chief executive of Minneapolis- based Target Corp., the second largest U.S. discount retailer, told investors last month. (Source: Bloomberg 2011-06-22T17:01:16Z)

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