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Deals of the Hour / June 15, 2011, 12:45 pm

Congressman Weiner Is a Sex Addict -- I Know, Because I Am One

He needs to develop not his ego, but his self-esteem and to laugh out loud -- out of the dark shadows of shame -- at his own behavior as others laugh at him. Shame is the root of sexual addiction. Lying to cover up his shameful behavior was part of his disease. (Source: TheWrap 2011-06-15T19:32:44Z)

China's rise pushes old enemies together

"Who's going to take up the offer to visit?" says Carl Thayer, an expert on security in the South China Sea at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra. "Precisely those navies that China doesn't want in the South China Sea, including the ... (Source: Financial Times 2011-06-15T08:05:33Z)

Weiner seeks treatment, but what ails him?

Lee said if the congressman has gone for inpatient treatment, he would likely have to be in a program for 30 days or more, although some facilities offer help in less time. He said Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services in Hattiesburg ... (Source: AP - 2011-06-15T19:18:25Z)

Japan's Stocks Gain as U.S. Retail Sales Ease Economic Concerns

To contact the reporters on this story: Norie Kuboyama in Tokyo at ; Satoshi Kawano in Tokyo at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Nick Gentle at (Source: Bloomberg 2011-06-15T05:28:04Z)

Ginger Lee Talks Anthony Weiner Photo Scandal: 'He Asked Me To Lie... I Think He Should Resign' (VIDEO)

According to, however, at the same time that Weiner was denying any direct contact with Lee, he was corresponding with her to offer advice on how to manage the scandal. "Do you need to talk to a professional PR type person to give u advice?" (Source: 2011-06-15T19:18:25Z)

Factbox: Republican presidential contender Bachmann

Surprisingly for such a staunch Republican, Bachmann was once a Democrat and worked on Jimmy Carter's 1976 presidential campaign. "The first time I ever went to Washington, DC, I went to dance at Jimmy Carter's inaugural ball," Bachmann said last year. (Source: 2011-06-15T19:25:35Z)

Apple Offering Unlocked iPhone 4 for $649

The 16 GB iPhone 4 model costs $649, and the 32 GB version costs $749. Both options also offer your choice of colors (white or black). "If you don't want a multiyear service contract or if you prefer to use a local carrier when traveling abroad ... (Source: Zeropaid 2011-06-15T19:11:16Z)

Obama campaign courts small donors with dinner offer

The email is signed simply, "Barack." Obama's 2008 campaign used a similar offer to help raise funds (see video below). Now, however, he's more than just a candidate, but president of the United States. It's unclear where the dinner will be -- the fine ... (Source: Los Angeles Times 2011-06-15T19:04:06Z)

Kesler and Torres look forward to playing on historic stage again

He was a member of the Edmonton Oilers squad that lost the cup to the Carolina Hurricanes in 2006 and can offer advice on how to prepare for Game 7 to his teammates — none of whom have played in one. "I think the main thing that I stress in the room is ... (Source: FOX News 2011-06-15T05:49:32Z)

A Green Solution, or the Dark Side to Cleaner Coal?

The silos, which are scheduled to start operation in July, are designed to blend cleaner-burning imported coal with China's own high-polluting domestic coal, which is contaminated with sulfur and dust. Coal blending will produce a mixture that will help ... (Source: New York Times 2011-06-15T06:32:29Z)

Unimpressive Returns for This Year's Tech IPOs

And just two minutes later, the stock fell below $19. The stock continues to hover below $19, but even at $19, the stock would be up an apparent 19 percent from its offer price. Amid profitability concerns, tech IPOs have performed very poorly overall this ... (Source: CNBC 2011-06-15T19:11:16Z)

Accused Pad Thai Slapper Found Not Guilty

One had identified Mr. Hobbs as dark haired in her testimony. "He is as bald as it gets," Mr. Bederow said, with Mr. Hobbs nodding grimly from the spectator benches. The prosecution insisted that the judge had little to consider. "This is a simple ... (Source: New York Times Blogs 2011-06-15T19:04:06Z)

Apple now offering unlocked iPhone 4 for $649

But with the iPhone now on Verizon, and with a T-Mobile and Sprint launch rumored to be happening within the year, it makes sense that Apple would offer a completely unlocked model. The company already sells unlocked iPhones in international markets where ... (Source: 2011-06-15T07:58:23Z)

Pandora's 'pop' fuels bubble fears

The euphoria and share price jumps have been fed by private investors rushing to buy shares in companies with familiar consumer brands, as well as by the small amount of stock that companies such as Pandora have put on sale, Ms Buyer and other analysts said. (Source: Financial Times 2011-06-15T19:11:16Z)

Source: Apple drastically reduces orders for iPhone 4 camera flash

Some reports have suggested the next iPhone may not be available until late September , or about three months after the iPhone has gone on sale in the U.S. in years past. (Source: Apple Insider 2011-06-15T19:04:06Z)

Pandora shares increase in first day of trading

Its revenue was $138 million. "Unless they can continue to increase their subscribers or offer new material, obviously their losses will continue to grow," Sweet said. "I am not optimistic long term with Pandora." Shares can be volatile on their ... (Source: Washington Times 2011-06-15T18:56:57Z)

More U.S. homes lease solar panels with no upfront costs

"It's actually a win-win," Rive says. This concept is taking off. At least four large California-based companies, including SunPower in San Jose, offer such leases, in which they install, maintain and continue to own the panels. They report record sales. (Source: USA Today 2011-06-15T06:25:20Z)

You probably won't buy Google Chromebook, but should reconsider

The Acer model has 11.6-inch display and the Samsung one 12.1 inches. Both offer Intel Atom processors, 2GB memory, limited ports and no optical drives -- just like netbooks. Google Chromebooks launch June 15, from Acer and Samsung. The Chrome OS laptops ... (Source: Beta News 2011-06-15T19:32:44Z)

Lead poisoning in China: The hidden scourge

But a recent visitor found children still playing in the streets of one village literally in the shadow of a privately-owned lead smelter that nightly belches plumes of dark smoke. In interviews, their parents and grandparents said that local hospitals now ... (Source: Spartanburg Herald-Journal 2011-06-15T19:11:16Z)

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