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Deals of the Hour / May 31, 2011, 12:42 am

Mancienne close to Hamburg switch

Mancienne had two years left on his existing contract but looks set to put pen to paper on a £40,000-a-week deal with Hamburg, who under instruction from Arnesen are also believed to be chasing fellow Chelsea starlets Jeffrey Bruma and Gael Kakuta (Source: ESPN Soccernet 2011-05-31T07:18:54Z)

Jim Tressel resigns as Ohio State's football coach

There were also questions about his players and their friends and family members receiving special deals on used cars from two Columbus ... he had made up the break-in call and later took a plea deal. But the NCAA began looking into Clarett and the team. (Source: MySanAntonio 2011-05-31T07:04:35Z)

Ohio State's Jim Tressel dug himself into a hole with handling of scandal

On TV, Ward and June Cleaver offer life lessons to Beaver and Wally. Like a million other scandals dealing with money and power, the cover-up at Ohio State was worse than the crime, and the cover-up for the coach who covered up was even worse. If only ... (Source: Los Angeles Times 2011-05-31T06:57:26Z)

GOP presidential contenders move to the right on issues

Pawlenty, after promising to offer his own Medicare plan, acknowledged conservatives' priorities and said he would sign the House measure if it were the only choice before him. Romney hedged Friday on whether he would sign the House bill into law. (Source: Nashville Tennessean 2011-05-31T07:11:45Z)

Almac Data to Be Presented at Annual ASCO Meeting

It utilises its proprietary technology, extensive experience and expertise to offer solutions to biotech and Pharma partners. Almac focus on providing a range of services including exploratory biomarker discovery studies, verification studies for existing ... (Source: 2011-05-31T07:26:04Z)

Mother-in-law lonely now after critical past

Is there a professional way to deal with their condescending attitude ... Accept the suggestions they offer without becoming defensive. The more of themselves these "mentors" invest in you, the happier they'll be about your successes. (Source: Detroit News 2011-05-31T07:11:45Z)

Who are the candidates to replace Jim Tressel at Ohio State?

The resignation of Tressel could help mitigate punishment for his lying to the NCAA and playing of ineligible players, but there are also allegations of players receiving deals on cars and other possible rules violations. Would an elite coach be willing to ... (Source: USA Today 2011-05-30T21:31:56Z)

Fink: Europe Problems Go 'Way Beyond' Greece

The $15.2 billion deal, the largest for BlackRock, added passive funds such as ETFs to BlackRock's active stock and bond strategies. BlackRock manages about $3.65 trillion in assets in its stock, bond and hedge funds , as well as its iShares exchange ... (Source: Bloomberg 2011-05-31T06:57:26Z)

Brent above $115 on unrest in Yemen, weak dollar

That would continue to be a bullish factor." South African President Jacob Zuma made little headway toward brokering a Libya peace deal in talks with Muammar Gaddafi on Monday as eight army officers became the latest senior figures to break with the Libyan leader. (Source: Reuters 2011-05-31T07:04:35Z)

New SF plan eases the release of some migrants held in jail

The measure, which would allow counties to opt out, now moves to the state Senate. San Francisco and nearby Santa Clara County have sought permission from the federal government to opt out of Secure Communities. Hennessey said his policy is similar to San ... (Source: Arizona Daily Star 2011-05-31T06:57:26Z)

Fans' bid for Mets likely a no-go

"We felt our offer was very competitive with Einhorn's reported proposal ... Meanwhile, Einhorn's $200 million deal with the Mets for a 33 percent stake is looking more like a high-interest loan than a partnership. Einhorn's deal could allow him to ... (Source: 2011-05-31T07:18:54Z)

Einhorn still mum on deal

The future is uncertain and there are a wide range of possible outcomes." Einhorn said the deal could be done in a matter of weeks, but refused to go into details -- including the possibility he might have an opportunity to claim a majority stake of the ... (Source: New York Post 2011-05-31T07:26:04Z)

Longest living Muncie YWCA member ready to celebrate agency's 100 years

I guess it all works out for both sides. But I have a feeling I'm getting the sweeter edge of the bargain. They really have done so much for me and many other women." Similar to the international movement that started the women's organization, Shaffer's ... (Source: Star-Press 2011-05-31T07:11:45Z)

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