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Deals of the Hour / June 7, 2010, 9:10 pm

Crystallex Up on China Deal, Can't Lift Canadian Miners

According to a company press release, CRCC advanced $2.5 million to Crystallex and received convertible shares in return, the conversion price is at a nearly 40% discount to where the Canadian Miner currently trades today. CRCC will own two-thirds of ... (Source: Yahoo Finance 2010-06-08T03:52:22Z)

Comic on CBS 'Early Show': Americans 'All to Blame' for Oil Spill ...

Promoting his latest HBO special on Monday's CBS Early Show, comedian Robert Klein turned his attention to the Gulf oil spill and who's to blame: "...we're all to blame. We're pigs. It's a parable for us. American pre-imminence is not guaranteed and ... (Source: News Busters 2010-06-08T03:02:15Z)

The LeBron rumor mill: Good friend Carmelo says it's Cleveland (but ...

Three years -- only two guaranteed -- for $6.5 million is a bargain. Sure, World Wide Wes is saying LeBron is leaning towards Chicago. But World Wide Wes has zero to do with that. If he did and Thibodeau were part of deal, he should be fired for ... (Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer 2010-06-08T02:26:28Z)

Death penalty to be sought in Greensburg torture ...

Peck declined to discuss any plea bargain with Miller and Masters in exchange for testimony against the other four. Marinucci was in court yesterday as her lawyer argued to have Peck produce evidence linking her to the murder. Since capital ... (Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review 2010-06-08T03:59:31Z)

Imagining the Worst in BP’s Future

Bankers and lawyers are already sizing up potential deals (and counting their potential fees). Given the plunge in BP’s share price â€" the company has lost more than a third of its value since Deepwater Horizon blew â€" some bankers and analysts ... (Source: New York Times 2010-06-08T03:30:53Z)

Armando Galarraga, Jim Joyce offer 'teachable moment'

A huge percentage of this game deals with you not making a hit, not making the play, and sometimes, not getting the call. A basketball player who averages 3 out of 10 free throws is abysmal. A baseball player who averages 3 hits out of 10 at bats is ... (Source: Detroit Free Press 2010-06-08T03:09:25Z)

Marshall students pay heavily to support sports

Athletic programs at bigger schools in top conferences are able to pick up more revenue from ticket sales, licensing fees and TV deals. In smaller conferences, students and taxpayers are being asked to pick up a larger share of the tab for sports ... (Source: Charleston Daily Mail 2010-06-08T03:23:44Z)

A Spotlight Big Enough for One Bad Guy at a Time

The firm’s funds invested roughly $1 billion in those two losing deals combined, according to a person familiar with the situation. The effect may not be even; all three investments were parceled out among Cerberus funds, perhaps not equally. (Source: New York Times 2010-06-08T03:38:03Z)

A Happy Homecoming For Long-Lost Silent Films

Other rediscovered movies include the first film ever directed by 1910s comic sensation Mabel Normand and the formerly lost Maytime, starring Clara Bow. The vaults also held more instructional films on things like how to make a Stetson hat or a ... (Source: NPR News 2010-06-08T03:09:25Z)

Malcolm Jenkins wants to be on field

And that came only after Sharper agreed to return at a bargain-basement salary. Maybe Sharper surprises people and comes back as good as ever. But the Saints can’t count on that. They drafted Jenkins as a cornerback, but they’ve said all along he ... (Source: 2010-06-08T04:06:41Z)

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