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Deals of the Hour / June 6, 2010, 11:10 pm

Five things we learned at Pocono

I don't know what his deal is with me. His wife wears the firesuit in the family and tells him what to do, so it's probably not his fault. "It's just ridiculous. I don't know what I've ever done to piss him off, but he is apparently stupid." (Source: CNN Sports Illustrated 2010-06-07T05:40:55Z)

Untangling a Ponzi Scheme With a Hollywood Twist

Starr made the acquaintance of Jacob Arabov, a Harry Winston for the music world ... Scorsese, or access to exclusive deals on Wall Street, Mr. Starr always seemed to know what his famous clients wanted, or at least what they wanted to hear. (Source: New York Times 2010-06-07T05:40:55Z)

Wage Inflation Officially Comes To China, As Foxconn Doubles Salaries ...

... company announcement, minimum wage workers may see a more than doubling of wages, while others will see at least a 30% hike -- previously the company had indicated a 20% wage hike to deal with the problem, so this is already an expansion. (Source: The Business Insider 2010-06-07T05:55:14Z)

Ivan Fischer at the NSO

And tonight's concert of two Russian classics -- Rimsky-Korsakov's "Scheherazade" and Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- offer a lot for him to sink his teeth into. But despite some very fine concerts over the last two years, his time in Washington ... (Source: Washington Post 2010-06-07T05:48:05Z)

Our Questions For Paul Krugman, Brad DeLong, Niall Ferguson, And The ...

don't offer a compelling explanation for how we'll work our way out of our long-term problems, especially if we increase spending now to combat the recession. And austerity advocates rarely acknowledge the short-term pain that will come from cutting ... (Source: The Business Insider 2010-06-07T05:40:55Z)

Letters: Reasonable path to energy security

I recall one meeting Olivia arranged with Harry Wilson at Wilson Field in southeast Shelby County to talk about the Omlies. For three hours, Harry told us tale after tale about this beautiful young girl whose heart was in the sky. I was hooked on the ... (Source: Memphis Commercial Appeal 2010-06-07T05:55:14Z)

Sandra Bullock returns at the MTV Movie Awards: 'Can we please go back ...

Bullock pulled it off with class and a sense of humor (and looked stunning in sparkling black minidress). After sweetly funny speeches from Betty White and Bradley Cooper (Cooper: “Your films are the only thing that kept the U.S. economy afloat ... (Source: Entertainment Weekly Online 2010-06-07T05:48:05Z)

Sheriff's office seeks information on cold cases

He added, that at some point, everyone in his situation has to “face the facts” and that he credits a recovery course, which showed him how to deal with his grief. He said he sometimes meets with other local families who have lost their children ... (Source: Tulsa World 2010-06-07T06:02:24Z)

Don’t Be Surprised by H-1B Site Visits

Legal experts can assist with efficient file audits and policy implementation and training, and can offer peace of mind in a very active enforcement environment. Workforce Management Online, November 2009 -- Register Now! T he information contained ... (Source: Workforce Management 2010-06-07T06:02:24Z)

Sharpton vows to help church

The borough denies the claims, saying it attempted to offer the church its vacant elementary school building on Early Street. The church balked at the offer, saying the school needed millions of dollars of repairs and it has been leasing the factory ... (Source: Burlington County Times 2010-06-07T05:40:55Z)

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