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Deals of the Hour / June 16, 2010, 2:11 am

Gov. Barbour: Escrow Makes BP Less Able to Pay What They Owe

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We've directed BP to mobilize additional equipment and technology, and in the coming weeks and days, these efforts should capture up to 90 percent of the oil leaking out of ... (Source: FOX News 2010-06-16T09:05:00Z)

Oil Executives Break Ranks in Testimony

Seeking to insulate their companies from the continuing crisis in the gulf and the political backlash in Washington, the leaders of Exxon Mobil , Chevron , Shell and ConocoPhillips insisted at a Congressional hearing ... (Source: New York Times 2010-06-16T08:57:50Z)

Toure sale at 'very advanced' stage

Barcelona midfielder Yaya Toure appears to be edging closer to joining Manchester City after stressing his desire to move to the Premier League. Toure, 27, has been strongly linked with both City and Chelsea after ... (Source: ESPN Soccernet 2010-06-16T08:43:31Z)

Oil spill updates: Obama prepares to take over handling of damage claims from BP

Pensacola, Fla -- President Barack Obama is poised to seize the handling of oil spill damage claims from BP, his chief spokesman said today, as Obama sought to reassure people he's up to the enormous challenge of helping ... (Source: Syracuse Post-Standard 2010-06-16T08:57:50Z)

Toys'R'Us® Introduces Its Christmas Savers Club, Presenting Smart Shoppers With a ...

"Through our Christmas Savers Club, parents and gift-givers can better plan their holiday spending well in advance of the season, while we provide them with a convenient, effortless way to budget," said Greg Ahearn ... (Source: Yahoo Finance 2010-06-16T08:57:50Z)

US Home Buyers Still in Driver's Seat: Trulia

Prices were cut on nearly one quarter of U.S. homes on the market in May, the same as April, with a growing supply of unsold homes keeping buyers in the driver's seat, real estate web site said Wednesday ... (Source: CNBC 2010-06-16T08:36:22Z)

Heavy arms fire rings out in southern Kyrgyzstan as authorities struggle to keep the ...

OSH, Kyrgyzstan (AP) — Heavy arms fire rang out over the Kyrgyz city of Osh before dawn Wednesday as authorities struggled to bring order to the country's south, which has been thrust into chaos by days of deadly ... (Source: FOX News 2010-06-16T08:57:50Z)

Track Guide iPhone App Launched for Motorsports Fans

The Track Guide iPhone app was a collaboration of efforts between, Tim Frost of Frost Motorsports and National Speedway Directory; and Mutual Mobile, an app development company from Austin, Texas. "When Tim Frost came ... (Source: YAHOO! 2010-06-16T09:05:00Z)

Obama, BP set for Gulf oil showdown

Washington (CNN) -- President Obama will have his showdown on Wednesday with BP top executives and says he will tell the company it must pick up the tab for the massive oil disaster in the Gulf. Obama vowed Tuesday to ... (Source: CNN 2010-06-16T07:39:06Z)

Gulf Oil Spill Bad Business for Shrimp King

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 15, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Now, the destruction from this underwater oil gusher is extreme ... (Source: FOX News 2010-06-16T09:05:00Z)

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