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Deals of the Hour / June 11, 2010, 12:10 am

Senate backs Obama on EPA's CO2 authority

President Obama won a big victory Thursday when Democratic senators upheld the power of the Environmental Protection Agency to combat global warming by regulating greenhouse gases. Supporters of the EPA's powers under ... (Source: San Francisco Gate 2010-06-11T07:02:05Z)

Atlanta Braves score 4 runs in 9th inning on Arizona Diamondbacks

Left-hander Dontrelle Willis has given up two runs in two starts with the Diamondbacks, but it was what he didn't give them that turned out to be costly in Thursday afternoon's 11-7 loss to the Atlanta Braves. Willis ... (Source: 2010-06-11T06:40:36Z)

"Karate Kid" and "A-Team" Updates Duel at Box Office

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - This weekend could put some sizzle back in the summer box office. Two big studio pictures open Friday supported by solid interest in tracking polls: Sony's remake of "The Karate Kid ... (Source: ABC News 2010-06-11T06:54:55Z)

Report says Carlos Santana will join Tribe tonight for series against Nationals ...

Acta then expanded the time frame by saying the switch-hitting catcher will join the Indians sometime "between today and Sept. 1." Early this morning, ESPNDeportes reported that Santana will join the Indians for tonight ... (Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer 2010-06-11T07:02:05Z)

World Cup 2010

With the eyes of the world trained upon the Soccer City Stadium in Johannesburg, the opening match of the FIFA World Cup offers South Africa a unique opportunity to make a statement of intent, both for their own team and ... (Source: ESPN Soccernet 2010-06-11T06:26:17Z)

South Africa countdown to kick-off

• LIVE: Opening ceremony at 1230 BST The open ceremony begins at 2pm (1200GMT) in Johannesburg's Soccer City but there are doubts whether former president Nelson Mandela will attend after it was revealed his 13-year-old ... (Source: ESPN Soccernet 2010-06-11T06:33:27Z)

How To Arrange Your Furniture To Maximize Space For Summer

(ARA) - Just about everyone would like to have more living space. Here's the secret most professionals agree upon: clutter is the enemy. It's a challenge for most people to be ruthless when cleaning out their living area ... (Source: Toledo Blade 2010-06-11T07:02:05Z)

British lawmakers want Obama to ease off BP; shares sink, pensioners hurt

"I would like to see a bit of cool heads rather than endlessly buck-passing and name-calling," said London Mayor Boris Johnson. "When you consider the huge exposure of British pension funds to BP it starts to become a ... (Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer 2010-06-11T06:47:46Z)

Mindless mission? 'A-Team' accomplishes it

'Overkill is underrated," harrumphs stogie-smackin' Col. Hannibal Smith during one of the endless let's-blow-stuff-up moments in The A-Team . And while that's certainly the philosophy Hannibal and his trio of ex-Army ... (Source: Philadelphia Daily News 2010-06-11T07:02:05Z)

Chinese man convicted for selling son on Internet

AFP/File – A man shields a woman and child from the rain in Beijing. A court in China has given a 22-year-old man … 3 mins ago BEIJING (AFP) – A court in China has given a 22-year-old man a suspended jail sentence ... (Source: YAHOO! 2010-06-11T06:40:36Z)

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